With more meetings taking place remotely, you want people listening, questioning, and offering ideas. Here are three tips for more engaging online meetings from Howard Tiersky, coauthor with Heidi Wisbach of Impactful Online 会议: How to Run Polished Virtual Working Sessions That Are Engaging and Effective.

打开视频 - Encourage or require participants to turn on their video cameras. This makes participants part of “the show” versus remaining in private. They’re less likely to multitask—an engagement killer—since they can be seen.

给人们分配角色 - Involve as many people as possible with presentation roles, so they do not attend the meeting in a passive mode of watching a 网络研讨会.

使用聊天功能 - Increase participation and get feedback by asking others to answer a question with short answers in the chat feature. Not only will you know they are still there, but you are in dialogue with your audience.

Don’t be su弹性分组环ised if you find people enjoying working together virtually and getting more done than ever before.