Would you like your next open house to stand out? Want to increase foot traffic, generate more interest in the property, 并给可能成为未来客户的人留下积极的印象? Check out these ideas for your next open house:


You can do better than a vegetable tray and a bag of cookies. 而不是, partner with a nearby restaurant, 快餐车, 咖啡店, 或者宴席承办商,在附近制造轰动效应,创造一个激动人心的事件. Now your open house has more guests, those guests receive high quality food and drinks, and the vendor receives local promotion. 每个人都赢了.


Your buyer—and future potential clients—could be right next door. Personally invite neighbors surrounding your open house location. Not only will they want to see the home, but they may also reach out to their friends, 家庭, and coworkers who may be looking to buy a home in the area.

Lessen the Mess with Shoe Covers

你是否提供一盒鞋套供游客滑倒或你投资一个自动鞋套分配器, minimize the dirt visitors track into your open house. 它可以保持卖家的地板或地毯一尘不染,在活动结束时更容易清理. 这也向潜在的卖家展示了如果他们将来雇佣你,你将带来的细节水平.

Make Signing-In a Better Experience for Visitors and Yourself

用数字登录体验取代纸张和难以辨认的笔迹. 平板电脑, 移动PC, 或者游客可以用手机扫描二维码,方便人们填写签到表. 数字登录还节省了将手写信息传输到数据库所需的时间. 确保访问者有理由与你分享他们的联系方式, 例如,您将向他们发送有关该物业和其他本地2021十大正规彩票app数据的信息.

Play Up What Makes the House Special

也许你的卖家的房产有一些令人满意的特点,但在第一次看的时候并不明显, 或者你不能在场告诉每一位客人房子的最佳品质. 你可以在特定的房间或电器上放置标志或便利贴,解释人们住在那里会喜欢什么. These signs don’t need to be comprehensive; keep them simple and engaging.

Virtually Stage the Rooms

Staging rooms can take time and money. 虚拟分级服务通过创建以不同方式分级的房间的照片使其变得更容易,游客可以通过扫描手机上的二维码来查看照片. 客人们会更容易把前面的房间想象成卧室, 办公室, or entertainment center with virtual-staging images. Clearly communicate that the photos are virtually staged, so there is no misunderstanding about what visitors are viewing.


你正在举办开放日活动,为你的客户寻找潜在的工作机会, but don’t sell your own business short. Have personally branded items around the house, 比如水瓶, 质问你的时候, and business cards with your name and contact information. Many visitors will not make an offer on the house, but all of them can leave with you in mind as their future agent.


If your sellers have an “everything must go” mindset, see if they want to put price tags on their furniture. 游客可以在考虑购买家具时查看房子. 记住,这可能会分散你对主要目标的注意力, 所以可以考虑带一个助手来接待那些只对家具感兴趣的游客.


与当地的艺术家合作,提供艺术作品挂在墙上或房子周围. 它可以给酒店增添一些人气,同时也能吸引更多的游客. The artist can invite friends, 家庭, 和其他艺术家来参观,看看艺术品,也许会对你卖家的房产感兴趣.

Leave Your Visitors a Gift To Remember You By

给你的客人礼品袋,里面有关于房子的信息包和日常用品,比如钢笔, 标记, 记事本, 磁铁, 等., branded with your information. 更进一步,把包包本身做成礼物——一个个人品牌的手提袋,可以在多种场合使用.

Collaborate With Other REALTORS®

合作可能是吸引更多参观者和在下次开放参观时找到买家的关键. 与其他REALTORS®合作,在同一天举办附近的开放日活动.

Go Live on Social Media

Many social media channels offer a live feature. 在你的下一个开放日,去现场向你的追随者展示你正在举办的开放日. 就像一对一的情况一样,给他们讲解一遍, pointing out features and facts about the house. This can create online buzz about the property, and the video will remain on your feed after the livestream ends.


Your work is not done after the open house ends. Send emails or texts to interested parties as soon as you can. (你可以提前准备这些,所以你所要做的就是填写联系信息并发送.)即使那些没有表示对房产感兴趣的人也应该得到跟进. 感谢他们的到来,询问他们的反馈,看看你是否能提供进一步的帮助. 这打开了一个沟通渠道,你可以用它来建立意识和吸引未来的业务.